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GLIBC_2.32, GLIBC_2.33 , GLIBC_2.34 and GLIBC_2.35 not found OS : ubuntu 20.04 >> GLIBC_2.32, GLIBC_2.33 , GLIBC_2.34 and GLIBC_2.35 not found 라는 에러 메시지가 떴다. 인터넷을 뒤져보니 아래와 같은 명령으로 update를 할 수 있을 것 같았지만, 안 되더라... >> apt update && apt install libc6 더 뒤져보니, 아래와 같은 방법으로 수동 업데이트할 수 있었다. pip install pyyaml apt install gawk bison mkdir $HOME/glibc/ && cd $HOME/glibc wget http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/libc/glibc-2.32.tar.gz tar -xvzf glibc-2.32.tar.gz mkdir build mkdir .. 2024. 2. 14.
(논문번역) Summaries, Highlights, and Action items: Design, implementation and evaluation of an LLM-powered meeting recap system 원문 : https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.15793 이 글에 대한 모든 권리는 원문 저자들에게 있다. ############## Summaries, Highlights, and Action items: Design, implementation and evaluation of an LLM-powered meeting recap system SUMIT ASTHANA, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA SAGIH HILLELI, Microsoft, Israel PENGCHENG HE, Microsoft, USA AARON HALFAKER, Microsoft, USA Meetings play a critical infrastructural role in the.. 2023. 9. 29.
(논문번역) Clinical Note Generation from Doctor-Patient Conversations using Large Language Models 원문 : https://aclanthology.org/2023.clinicalnlp-1.36/ 이 글에 대한 모든 권리는 원문 저자에게 있음 ############# WangLab at MEDIQA-Chat 2023: Clinical Note Generation from Doctor-Patient Conversations using Large Language Models John Giorgi1,2,3∗ Augustin Toma1,3,4∗ Ronald Xie1,2,3,4∗ Sondra S. Chen1,5Kevin R. An1,6 Grace X. Zheng1,5 Bo Wang1,3,4∗ 1University of Toronto 2Terrence Donnelly Centre for Cellular and Bi.. 2023. 9. 29.
(논문번역) chain-of-verification reduces hallucination in large language models 원문 : https://arxiv.org/pdf/2309.11495.pdf 이 글에 대한 모든 권리는 원문 저자”들”에게 있음. (너무 많아서 이름 생략) ### CHAIN-OF-VERIFICATION REDUCES HALLUCINATION IN LARGE LANGUAGE MODELS Shehzaad Dhuliawala Meta AI & ETH Zu¨rich Mojtaba Komeili Meta AI Jing Xu Meta AI Roberta Raileanu Meta AI Xian Li Meta AI Asli Celikyilmaz Meta AI Jason Weston Meta AI ABSTRACT Generation of plausible yet incorrect factual information, t.. 2023. 9. 27.